caponiere rifle pit

meurtriere murderess



 Here the wish of keeping patrimony is stronger than the wish to perpetuate things and memory. Actually, how can one feel history better than by making it dynamic?

 We spent years finding an original root horse group with the same characteristics that those used by the artillery during WWI. I mean the famous "Postier bretons" which date back to the beginning of the XIX century, they measure 1m55 hight at the withers for a weight of aproximately 600 kg.

Bleuée - The beautiful mare

Dinamo - The brave stallion


 These horses are perfect riding or harnessed. They are robust, hardy, tonic, rustic and so gentle! ;-) If you are interested or want to know more. Let me know !

Watch Albert the Foal birth !


caponiere rifle pit

meurtriere murderess
